Monday, December 22, 2008

Holiday Faux Pas # 24 &25.....

24. Sent out half of my Christmas cards without a return adorable ornament circle address stamp in green!! I actually thought of going home to stamp them all.......I am crazy.

25.Let my 4 year old peel the wrapper off of all the butter sticks and didn't check to see if there was any extras left on the stick......oh yeah, the cookies might be chewy in some areas:) I guess Santa doesn't mind right?


Jill said...

I've done that with the return addresses before and it totally panicked me.

I hope your cookies don't have mystery "extras" in them.

Melissa said...

OH my goodness!! I had a huge package waiting for me tonight when I came home from work. I opened it thinking there would be another box inside....I'm so sorry I opened it up before Christmas, but I'm going to save the wrapped package until Christmas Day. Thank you so much for everything, I love it all!! You are very thoughtful and sweet. I can't wait to look over your blog and get to know you!!

mysteryhistorymom said...

It's a crazy time of year, Sweetie! A few surprises never hurt anyone.:) Lori