Wednesday, December 17, 2008

What has that little elf been up to?

Tuesday morning, the kids woke up to find this! Freddy talked with Santa and he wanted them all to write a letter to Santa. Complete with envelopes, stamps and pens! That Freddy sure is organized! Their letters have been mailed....hope the big guy gets them in time!In the glow of the Christmas tree, the kids found Freddy this morning like this.
With beautiful blue stars to hang on the tree! Freddy said they reminded him of all the bright stars near his home. So, he brought 6 for ALL of us to hang. He is one generous elf!

Another beautiful bonus happened when we were about to leave for school. Aunt Janice showed up with freshly baked Snickerdoodles for all the Scavo kids. Why was she so generous?

Because Freddy called her and asked her to!!!!
(See I told you she was amazing!)

What a wonderful few days it has been with Freddy. Tomorrow morning should be exciting!

1 comment:

mysteryhistorymom said...

Heather- It just gets better and better each day! I hope a little elf stops by our house next year... I will have to remember this tradition.:) Lori