Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Freddy update.

Monday morning we woke to a big mess! Freddy had the flour out to make cookies(we think!) and he decided that the flour was too much like snow and made flour angels! What fun he had!
We took his cue and made butter cookies. Here we have the artist perfecting her sprinkles.

This morning we found Freddy on the table. We didn't know that we was a painter elf! He painted some of these for them to finish up....can't show you the end result....presents, ya know!

Tomorrow is sure to be fun!


Jill said...

The flour angel is too funny!

mysteryhistorymom said...

What a creative little fellow! Where DOES he get his inspiration??:) Lori

Melissa said...

I opened up the scarf, it was beautiful! Thank you so much for everything!!