Monday, December 25, 2006

Merry Christmas!

This is what greeted us on Christmas morning. Do you see the cool Santa bag with our family name on it? There were only Santa presents in that bag. Is that how Santa keeps all his presents straight? After staying up until 5 am(I forgot to make the bread and pies), the photographer in me was not quite awake for all the mayhem that took place.
Michael really got the hang of it this year. He was so cute. His favorite gift? Animal planet T-Rex and elephant. Lindsey enjoyed herself. She surprised me with how patient she was. Her best gift? Dress and dance Dora, the ONLY gift she asked Santa for. Natalie was not in her best form that early, but she did get some fun gifts.
Tyler, the ol' pro, had lots of fun. He loved getting some new Monopoly games. He got 4.....I think his collection total is now 12 or 13.

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