Thursday, October 18, 2007

Just 13 years ago.

I went into the hospital to be induced. The doctors were afraid Tyler would be too large if we waited until his due date...only 4 days away. I was at the hospital by 7:30 am. I was already so tired because I had stayed up most of the night worrying and painting my nails(!?!). He was a cooperative baby and arrived at 4:18 pm, weighing 8 lbs 8 oz. The sweetest baby I had ever seen. All that blond hair and such a complete snugglebug.
Don't you love his pose?
At 6 favorite pic of all time. He was sleeping the entire shoot. He didn't wake up til he got home! Natalie is so much like her big brother in that regard.
December 1996...a few weeks before we moved to Arizona.March 1997
Spring 1998....I love these.

Christmas 98
1st day of 1st grade...2001




I can't find all the pics I wanted to find, but there are a few to show my first born. My special, funny boy. Happy Birthday!!!


Cristina Mathers said...

happy birthday! awesome pics, i bet the last 13 years flew by.

you have a teenager! ahhhhhhhhhhh!

Anonymous said...

Happy , happy birthday teenager.
Ms Sarah

Serendipity said...

Happy B'day!

Jill said...

Wow, 13 years old, yet the dates on those pictures don't seem very long ago. It's kind of mind blowing eh? Happy Birthday to Tyler!