Monday, October 27, 2008

A pumpkin patch and a detour or 2.

Saturday we went to our favorite pumpkin patch. Unfortunately, it wasn't exactly like last year.
You know.....GREEN and below 92 degrees!

You have to have overalls to go to a pumpkin patch. Everyone knows that. These have been passed down to each child. Yes, they are Tyler's! I told you I hold onto everything!

There was plenty of tree-climbing,

Goats to pet(don't they look adorable together?)

chickens to chase,

mazes to figure out,

dirt road to run on,

and finally, pumpkins to find!

One photo that makes me smile every time. Tyler held his hand all the way to the car. Oh, how I love these boys!After the patch, we decided to be spontaneous and stop at Madera Canyon. Thankfully, I was able to get my fix of "green"! This pic was taken through the windshield.

You have to watch The Upside Down Show to understand....have you ever watched it? Pretty funny.
Our rock slugger. She barely looked at us the entire time she was there. There was a small stream of water flowing in and she just kept throwing rocks...she loved it!
Michael and Lindsey took a brochure that the ranger gave us and wanted to find each animal and plant that was on it. They found several...but were very disappointed that they didn't see a black bear:) I wasn't!

This tree was hollow and went across the creek. It was like a natural bridge. So cool.
An attempt to take a photo. 3 out of 4 is not bad!

Another attempt that didn't work out, but I do think Tyler looks handsome here and I love that Michael was snuggling up to him.Another attempt, but what can you do? They were having so much fun, they didn't want to stop for anything.

I told you he was tall!

Driving out of the canyon, we came upon wild turkeys...there were about 7 of them.

We also happened upon some White tailed deer. So pretty.

It was a good time, except I was very paranoid about mountain lions and bears. Especially the lions. Charles sort of blew me off...but, guess what was on the news this morning? A mountain lion was stalking people on SATURDAY...where we were. They had to track it and destroy it. Not going there again unless there is an equal ratio of adults to children!

On the way home, I had Charles pull off the highway to the San Xavier Mission.

Isn't it beautiful? They are restoring the front portion of it. A perfect way to end an awesome day!


mysteryhistorymom said...

Heather- I LOVE your pictures- each and every one! Love your cuties feeding the goat and the one of you and sweet pea is gorgeous, my friend!:) Don't know why your pictures are getting chopped, but they still look great!

What is it about men and not showing fear?? Jeff would have been the same way. What are you worried about, Honey?? Lori

Serendipity said...

It looks like a perfect day!

michelle said...

What a lot of things you saw in one day! I'm glad you didn't see a black bear or a lion.