Thursday, November 01, 2007

Bring on the candy!

Halloween was a little less stressful this year. Is it because the kids are getting older or me? I made the wolf costume for Michael... So, he went as Thomas the tank AGAIN this year. I was bummed at first, but then I realized he is actually making a decision on what he wants to wear and is willing to go! So, I went with the flow!Our Little Red Riding Hood. Now, because Michael decided he was not going as the wolf, I decided why try to go with the Little Red Riding Hood theme when she is only getting out of the stroller a couple of times. So, Natalie was our
Parrot! So cute! We used Lindsey's costume when she was about the same age.
I think they were wondering if they would get that much candy when they went trick-or-treating.

Natalie in action! I think I might put her in her costume again tomorrow and TRY, I stress try, to get some face shots of her in it. She was simply adorable, but not so willing to stop for the camera.

Michael used his best manners and wanted to have a lengthy conversation with each neighbor. Especially those with dogs.

Little Red also used her best manners.....with no prompting and was the official doorbell ringer. She met up with 3 of her classmates and thought that was so cool. They had a great night.
***Yes, Tyler is here. We have not forgotten our teenager, but he is....a....teenager. He does not want to be photographed much anymore and did not want to go walking with us trick-or-treating. He did stay home and play Spongebob Monopoly with my parents and grandmother. He handed out candy to those that came by. Just wanted to make sure I mentioned my big one!


Cristina Mathers said...

oh my gosh! best costumes ever!

Mique (as in Mickey) said...

Sorry I feel like I have fallen off. I haven't commented much at all lately- just posting and getting to projects around here.
I LOVE your kiddos costumes. And the only way I was able to do a whole theme was because neither of my boys care either way. I luck out in that way! Your kids look adorable as usual!