Sunday, October 12, 2008

Two more signs.....

that she is growing up! Friday night, while we were enjoying our meals of hamburgers, baked potatoes and brocolli.....her tooth just fell out. She couldn't believe it and was just so proud.
She went to bed so willingly...I'm sure it had NOTHING to do with the Tooth Fairy! She woke up twice in the middle of the night calling from her bed, "Daddy, Daddy, is it morning yet?". So cute. She never once felt under her pillow to check if she came or not. The Tooth Fairy brought her a nice note, an Alice in Wonderland book, and a dollar. She was beaming all day.
Fast forward to this morning......her 2nd tooth came out. Can her smile get any bigger? Don't worry, those spots on her shirt is just jelly.

Wonder what the Tooth Fairy will do tonight? Lindsey told me that it must be alot of work to come to her house 2 times in one weekend. I told her it is a tough job:)


mysteryhistorymom said...

Heather-That is so sweet! She does look so completely happy!:) Lori

Cristina Mathers said...

omg, i remember loving to lose teeth as a kid. is that wierd???? i think it is now, that's for sure!

Jill said...

Here excitement is adorable!