Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Where I win parent of the year...

I went to Walgreens to pick up Lindsey's prescription(she has a nodule on her eyeball...what???) and as we pull up to the drive-thru, Natalie starts asking for "chicken and milk". Uhhh, we don't go to McDonalds much. It was so funny and pretty sad that she is 2 and already knows way too much about fast food dining.


mysteryhistorymom said...

Katie learned to say "chicken and sauce" at a very young age, too! So funny! She MUST have honey mustard sauce with her nuggets... And, of course, chocolate milk. Fast food is just a little bit too easy, my friend... Lori

Jill said...

At least Natalie asked for milk! My kids were always chanting "nuggets and fries" whenever we'd go out.

Kim Sue said...

cracking me up...in comparison to my parents we eat out a lot, of course we live in a city, they live in the middle of no where. they would always give me a hard time because at 2 Carly would order for herself at resturants. at some point around 2/3, her favorite game was playing waitress!

Cristina Mathers said...

ellie begs for cheese meat and pickles when she sees those rotten golden arches, so that must means that I am runner up?

love your blog friend. love it.

Heather said...
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