Thursday, August 07, 2008

Come again???

We tried to get Tyler a special ed bus pick-up in the morning, because there is really no way I can be at 3 schools within 25 minutes...just can't do it. Called school transportation and was told basically that he is "not autistic enough". How is that for a laugh? Yes, my son is high-functioning, but to tell me that he has to ride a regular bus until a problem arises is unacceptable to me. He has autism. Extremely crowded areas, loud noises, forced social situations is very confusing and overwhelming to him. They are right in a way, he MIGHT be fine, but I am worried he MIGHT not be. What happens then, for his day? For his week? How the kids view him? His self-confidence? We have found a better solution, thankfully! Lindsey will go to community school at her school about 30 minutes before school starts. That way I can take her to school, drive Michael to pre-school and then drop off Tyler at his school at 8:55(my fingers are crossed). Thanks for letting me vent.....a mom has to sometimes.


mysteryhistorymom said...

Heather- What a busy morning! I am so glad that you were able to get things worked out.:-) Lori

Kim Sue said...

give yourself a few mornings to get that schedule to work out!

Jill said...

Not autistic enough?! That's a new one, good grief.

Cristina Mathers said...

where is the logic sometimes??? sorry that happened.