Thursday, September 06, 2007


Mique was nominated for the Great Tip Award and really deserves it. Her ideas are so fun and different. So when she was sweet enough to nominate me for the award(what are the rules?, click here) , what do I do? I totally space and forgot to come up with my 3 nominations. So here we go....

1) Stacy-not only a good friend, but a woman with many, many ideas. Watercolor with crayons, Kindness Jar, Heart Crayons, Meatloaf Muffins(we love em!), and Ollie the Christmas Elf are just some of her terrific tips.

2) Cristin-a mother of soon-to-be 6! She always has such creative birthday tu-tus, a fish cake, her unique birthday gift ideas, and her family's amazing New Year's Box. Keep em coming Cristin, they are so fun!

3) Kristi-of Everything Pink has sooo many wonderful suggestions it is hard to narrow it down....but here are a few. End of the year t-shirts, cool carrots, and her Easter tree. She is such a giving person. Check out what her Pink Christmas is all about!

I hope you 3 remember to forward this on to your 3 favorite tippers!


Mom2fur said...

I'm going to have to check out these blogs and their tips. I love learning better ways to do things!

Mique (as in Mickey) said...

Those are such FUN tips. I loved them all. Thanks for playing along.
OH and thanks again for my good mail. I've been wearing the socks all week (between washings of course). They are really soft surprisingly.
Thanks for thinking of me!