Sunday, April 20, 2008

Lost and found......

I have been at a loss of words lately and anyone who knows me would find that surprising. I have several posts in my draft folder that I just can't seem to finish. So, I keep putting it off. Without going into too much detail, I was able to accomplish something that was extremely difficult for me and had wanted to do for a long time. I am so PROUD of myself!! I persued it, followed through and came out on the other side just fine. This enormous weight that has been there for so long has been lifted and I am so PROUD that I am the reason it happened. If I had waited for it to happen, it never would have. So, you ask, what have I found? I found a calmer Heather, dare I say, a better Heather?

When I went outside yesterday evening this is what I found:

My popsicle-loving family.


Mom2fur said...

What an adorable picture!
And whatever it was you accomplished, congratulations!

Cristina Mathers said...

this is super precious!

Jill said...

I want details! Congrats on doing whatever it is you did, finding a calmer self is such a blessing.

That's a great picture!

Cristina Mathers said...

i think maybe i know what you are talking about and i think that is awesome! you go!