Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Easter cont'd.

Natalie wearing her Eb ears that the Easter Bunny left her.....too bad I couldn't have included them in the pic:) She found 2 or 3 eggs and was done with the whole hunting for eggs thing.Lindsey started out strong, but ended up being done with it all after about 8 or 9 eggs.

Michael on the other hand, searched and searched....until every last egg was gone. He even hid them just to find them all over again. He enjoyed it so much.
Tyler found a couple for the sake of playing along with his siblings and then went in his room to check out his loot. I feel bad sometimes that the age gap is so large between them all.....

After the egg hunt, the kids and I made(besides a yummy mess)
Pioneer Woman's carrot cake. Deliciouso! If you haven't went to her site or her cooking site, you need to. The woman is hilarious and has great recipes.
Lindsey was such a patient wittle wabbit waiting for dinner and guests. Have I mentioned that she loves drawing? Every day, all day she is with her basket of art supplies and she is drawing something. I love her creativity.
Our Easter table centerpiece provided by my Aunt Pat and Uncle Rich. So sweet. Thank you.

Our little one after she woke from her do you like that hair? We were so happy that she was awake for dinner!
After dinner, the kids had fun outside.

Had to include this pic for she was getting on the playset the static electricity had her hair standing straight up. It was so funny.

Since I never seem to get good photos of our guests at dinner, I have tried to do better. Sunday, my dad and grandmother were cooperative. It was a good day.


Stacy said...

Beautiful! What fun! I'm waiting to see She-Who-Takes-The-Pictures-And-Creates-Wonderful-Memories-For-All. Charles, Tyler....someone take a picture of the mama!!!! :)

Jill said...

How sweet of your Aunt and Uncle to send you flowers for your centerpiece!

I love that picture of Lindsay outside, the lighting is perfect.