Thursday, September 27, 2007

What do we do for fun?

~~~Make rabbit faces~~~

~~~chase butterflies~~~

~~~wear cherries.....Mique totally understands:)

~~~share our best modeling poses~~~~

~~~practice our driving skills~~~

~~~Enjoy an entire meal made by my dear friend Janice. Sour cream enchiladas, tossed salad, mixed fruit, mac-n-cheese and chicken strips for the kids, and this yummy angel food cake.~~~

~~~Make our own "circle" pb&js....also wearing Thomas overalls is just plain fun!~~~

~~~Cute kid games~~~

~~~Perfecting superstar status~~~

~~~Learning & TRYING to practice using our manners~~~

~~~Along with drawing, coloring,and doodling....creating an utenstil holder of her own~~~

~~~Reading so many books~~~ ~~~Reduce, reuse, recycling with the styrofoam pieces from our scanner know I had to leave the room. The sound of them coloring on it was killing me, but I thought it was pretty creative of Charles to have them make houses.~~~
~~~Entertain each other with our own unique storytelling techniques....oh, and eating chocolate, chocolate cake makes it all that more interesting~~~
~~~Learn how to say SHHHH~~~

~~~Squeal, when I rec'd some much needed good mail this week from Mique....the girl knows I love napkins! Thanks!~~~

~~~Play the "change your shoes every 5 minutes" game. Also, can be referred to as "Betcha can't figure out where I hid my other shoe" game. The little girl loves shoes~~~
~~~Stop and smell the flowers~~~

~~~Play peek-a-boo and

really crack up about it!~~~

~~~Grabbing everything from the stroller, carseat, cart, and wagon~~~
~~~Having impromptu puppet shows~~~
~~~and mastering the yo-yo~~~

It's actually happening!

They are starting to cooperate with pictures. I know Natalie isn't smiling and Michael could be closer, but I am choosing to be thankful that they even looked in the direction of the camera. Baby steps, they are baby steps.

Sunday, September 23, 2007

Good ol' Apple Annies.

Saturday we went to Apple Annie's Orchard. We didn't tell the kids until we got close(it is about 1.5 hours away). We were hoping for cooler weather. After all, it is the the end of SEPTEMBER!!! It was really hot, so our visit was short, but fun!

All smiles for a family trip! Do you believe they all looked at me.....might be my Christmas card photo(HA!).
Happy to be there. Do you believe my almost 13 year old is almost 5' 8"??????????????
Green apples were Michael's choice for the day! Yum!

Her hand on the apple is so stinkin cute!
Also, love the design from her hat is on her cheek.

Very proud of herself!
Michael became a pro apple-picker. While Lindsey took her time, deciding on the perfect apple.

You have to taste see if they are good, ya know. Don't worry, we washed them off first!
Michael, I will race you, if you stand still and smile for the camera.................he actually did it.

Doing their part and carrying their own buckets!

Good choice!

I just love watching her little toddler.

Two sisters sharing a wagon ride.
Nothing like a shaved ice to cool off.............notice green seems to be his theme for the day?

Of course, we couldn't do without Kettle corn. Yumm-o!
The view on our way home. Simply beautiful!
All in all, a great day!

Tuesday, September 18, 2007


My two oldest cuties, now in Kindergarten and 7th grade, when they could tolerate each other:) I guess it is because I am an only child, but I can't understand sometimes all the teasing, the fighting, the tattling! It is normal, right?

Monday, September 17, 2007

Fun stuff.....

As you can see, I have been having some issues with Blogger....lost my whole template. Not sure of the new look, seems to be missing something. I think I just liked those pink flowers a whole bunch! So, you know that is the ONLY reason I haven't blogged about~~~~~~~~~

I Believe Designs having a cool giveaway....if you haven't commented, do so you might win one of these:

Just remember it ends on Friday! Good luck!

Also, The Black Apple is having a buy 2 get 1 free print sale today and tomorrow ONLY. Go check her out. She has some super cool items.

Of course I love any of the decals at Wall Candy Arts, but look what I found at Wallies! A little more reasonably priced~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~