Thursday, June 10, 2010

A few of my favorite things....

No joke. I absolutely love Pop tarts. Love em. Only unfrosted strawberry, though. I know, I am a freak. If that isn't weird enough, every single time I open a box, I laugh. I think of Paula Poundstone's love for them too. Do you remember her? Or her pop tart jokes? Here let me refresh your memory. (be warned, she uses some NSFHWCN know, not safe for home with children nearby language.)
Am I the only one in the world who has not had this flavor gum before? Lori got us hooked. You need to try it, if you haven't. It is my new favorite.
Making pizza with the kids. Yummy and cheap = perfect dinner!
We got our tickets to Toy Story 3. Are you going? The whole house is excited about this one!
Last, but not least....2 little girls playing hide-n-seek under the covers. Does anything make you smile more? Extra tidbit: Natalie is 4 and Trinity is 2. THEY ARE THE SAME SIZE!!! Crazy, right?


mysteryhistorymom said...

I LOVE POP TARTS!!! Make mine brown sugar, please, or hey, blueberry and strawberry frosted are FAB, too! But, let's skip the s'mores- ugh. Paula had me cracking up!!! Who wants 2 POP TARTS hanging out in the box?? She is right! Too bad they are 10 million calories, sigh... Love the pics of the cuties playing hide and seek.:) Mandy picked out the gum as I had never had it before! So glad you like it! Oh, oh, oh!!!! I put my darling new I Believe camera strap cover on yesterday and it is soooooo amazing!!!! Woo Hoo!!!!! Lori

Jill said...

I always wonder who eats the unfrosted pop tarts, now I know.

I adore Paula Poundstone and definitely remember her bit about them.

I haven't tried that kind of gum, so you're not the only person.

We don't have our tickets yet, but I'm excited to see that movie.

Lindsay-ann said...

Hi Heather
Thanks for your comment. It was great to hear from you. I have enjoyed catching up with your blog. Sounds like your summer is going well. Lori told me all about when she met up with a few weeks ago. That must have been lovely.
Hope you are having a good day and enjoying your gorgeous pool.
I have never had pop tarts! I don't think we have them here.

Lindsay-ann said...

Hi Heather
Thanks for your comment. I nearly blogged about what I am reading but thought I would save that for next time. I am actually reading two books at the same time which is something I never do! I am reading The Help by Kathryn Stockett and Anne of Green Gables that sweet Lori sent me. I am really enjoying both. Yes 75 is hot for here. It's my perfect temperature. I can't imagine the heat where you are right now. Hope you are managing to stay cool. I'll try and send you some cool breezes!