Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Found photos.....

About 2 weeks before I found out I was pregnant with Tyler. Ah, to be that small again. I loved those shorts. Also, I miss that park so much(we bbq'd alot when I was little)

Me and my grandfather about a month or 2 before I was to have Tyler. I miss him so much. I miss those hugs, they were the best.

Tyler and I at the County Fair.

Charles, Tyler and I at an amazing waterfall we found out hiking with friends..Remember that Janice? We need to go back.

Here's Tyler and I(and Charles) in 2001. See? Even then we couldn't get everyone to look at the camera at the same time. How do you like my hair? blah.

When it was just the 3 of us.

Note to self.....make sure you are in more photos. Time goes by and you want your children to know that you were actually there!

Note to all of you....can't tell you why all the pics are crooked, sorry!

Note to all veterans today....THANK YOU.


mysteryhistorymom said...

Heather- You are such a sweetheart and I loved seeing your pictures, my friend. I absolutely adore you and you make me want to be a better Mom, wife and friend. Thanks Sweetie! I will try and be in more pictures... Lori

Jill said...

I love old photos! I tend too look at mine line a detective and analyze everything in them as I hark back to that time.

I think you definitely need to be in more photos!

Stacy said...

AWESOME! Great lesson to us all! I can't wait to see my former student in about 6 weeks. Lets see...he's still in 1st grade and Lindsey is still in an infant car seat, right? :)

Kim Sue said...

great pics...how fast time goes!