Tuesday, April 29, 2008

A "Fair"ly good Sunday!

Sunday morning we followed my parents out to the fairgrounds for the county fair. We got there early and boy, did it pay off. The kids had no waiting for rides and the "carnies" were nice enough to let them last longer than a minute.

We conquered dragons.Were absolutely adorable sailing the high seas.

Bonded with Grandma Nev on the carousel.
Went fishing.
Went on a roller coaster "even faster" than the dragon. Do you love Michael's expression? He wants to smile, but not too sure yet.Made our own rope and now have 2 very fun jump ropes that are perfect for their height.
I caught several pics of these two enjoying each other. My heart almost exploded from the cuteness of it. Michael just loves his big brother.

They loved riding the elephant with Grandma.

Grandpa teaching Michael how to shoot the water...
Can you keep your balance and hold onto a coke bottle? He is only allowed one soda, so you know that he would rather fall than lose that:)
You need to take driving very seriously.
Another sister shot that warms my heart.
Showed NO FEAR going down the slide.

The Scavo Family literally took over the train. If Natalie was old enough to ride alone, we would have used the entire train. When did I have 4 kids?
Yeah, mom....see ya!We won fun prizes. Lindsey won 2 strawberry shortcakes and Michael won a worm and a star.

4 hours later this is how we all felt. We had a great time.

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

A reminder

of the beauty that is here in the "desert".
The sunsets are unbelieveable....

And the cacti really show off during the spring months.

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Lost and found......

I have been at a loss of words lately and anyone who knows me would find that surprising. I have several posts in my draft folder that I just can't seem to finish. So, I keep putting it off. Without going into too much detail, I was able to accomplish something that was extremely difficult for me and had wanted to do for a long time. I am so PROUD of myself!! I persued it, followed through and came out on the other side just fine. This enormous weight that has been there for so long has been lifted and I am so PROUD that I am the reason it happened. If I had waited for it to happen, it never would have. So, you ask, what have I found? I found a calmer Heather, dare I say, a better Heather?

When I went outside yesterday evening this is what I found:

My popsicle-loving family.

Tuesday, April 08, 2008

The missing birthday post.

On March 11th, our littlest little, Natalie, turned 2. She was born at 1:42 pm that day, so in true blogger style I will list my 42 things about my baby.1. She is always on the go. 2. She is learning from her siblings to avoid cameras at all times. 3. She is a little thing...still can fit in some 12 month clothing!???? 4. She has the sweetest lips you will ever see, but is not very big on kisses. She's likes her hugs!

5. She absolutely loves Caillou and "Wosey".
6. Did I mention she loves Caillou, Wosey, and Sarah?
7. She wants to go to school so badly..she walks Michael & Lindsey to class and tries to sit in their circle to listen to the teacher. They can't get over her. She does make an impression.

8. She has fun playing with Papa.
9. Bathtime is great, but she squeals the loudest when she is out and running down the hall with nothing on.
10. She likes lining up toys or in this case, Dots, and counting them. Also, she has a great time naming their color. She know most of her colors and counts to 10, minus 4 and 7.
11. The girl enjoys her ketchup. Some of her favorite foods are pancakes w/syrup, salad w/catalina dressing, oranges(owans), grapes(gwapes), and chicken.

12. Oh, and she loves Caillou. Not sure if I listed that:)
13. Have gadgets? With buttons? She's there. Here she is after sneaking into Tyler's room to play with his ipod.
14. One of her favorite places to be is the zoo...she especially loves the peacocks. Because they are so "coot". 15. She has so much fun when we go on what the kids call "rollercoaster road". I can't wait to see her on some real rides!
16. Her laugh, smile and giggle are so infectious.

17. She is pretty flexible.....or maybe every kid does this?
18. She loves Doritos! And if you have a soda, she will try to steal it from you. Lindsey and Michael won't touch a soda, but this little girl wants em.

19. After she has eaten and you are cleaning her face she tells you all the parts of her face that you need to wash.

20. She gets so excited to brush her "teef". She feels so grown up.

21. She likes to talk on our cell phones, but mostly to Daddy.
22. She has an intense love for Caillou. Want to make sure you understand her obsession.
23. Dress up is her thing, but oh, she loves the shoes.
24. She is a book lover.

25. She sings "Bet on it" and "Fabulous" from High School Musical 2 suprisingly well.

26. When I give her something, she says "Thank you, my mommy". So stinkin' cute!

27. If there is a swing...she's there!
28. One of her new words is "Push".
29. Her hair is so wild I have no idea what to do with it.

30. Most ticklish spot? Under the arms.
31. When it is dinner time....she calls everyone until they are all there. And if one is missing, she is concerned about it.

32. After prayer, she yells...AMEN!
33. She hasn't gotten used to the whole birthday cake thing.
34. Her brothers name is not Michael, it's "My-mo". So cute.

35. When she says she loves you she tilts her head back and holds her arms as though she is so happy to be telling the whole world she loves you.

36. Peek-a-boo is one of her favorite games.
37. Itsy, bitsy and this little piggie come in close 2nd and 3rd.
38. The wall is her easel and the crayon(or anything else she can get her hands on) is her instrument.

39. She is in a big girl bed now.

40. She won't take naps.

41. She is up all night.

42. And we don't care, we love our little snuggle bug. She is such a joy.
Also, here is her birthday cake Janice made for her. Don't you love it? Can you guess who it is?