Wednesday, March 04, 2009

Wondering where I have been?

7 days and only 2 success stories. Enough said.


mysteryhistorymom said...

Heather- Oh, I remember the days! Just try not to lose your temper and all will be well. I wish I could have been more patient with my girls, but it's not easy! I'll be thinking about you and sending good thoughts your way!

She is SUCH a cutie! Lori

Jill said...

Oh say it isn't so!

Artfulife said...

Bless your heart! Don't get discouraged, she'll go when she's ready. Zoe wasn't potty trained until she turned three. Not very encouraging, I know, but she eventually will learn. Sloan was potty trained right when she turned 2. Go figure, they are all so different! Thank goodness.

P.S. Thanks for your order! I was so excited to wake up and find that you had bought another painting. I sent it off Monday afternoon. Hopefully you will get it today or tomorrow. I owe you some change! Haahaa, shipping was a little less than I thought (send it to you this weekend). Please if you could just drop me a line and let me know when you get it, and if you are happy with everything. Tanks again Heather. You are the best!

Kim Sue said...

I love that SHE is smiling :o)

Cristina Mathers said...

don't worry friend, just when i was about to give up with ellie, one day she just GOT IT! i know this will happen with N too!