Thursday, February 05, 2009

Stir Crazy......

Yea, that's right! That's right! We bad!

Remember that funny. I loved Richard Pryor & Gene Wilder together. Anyhow, their movie title & famous line are a perfect fit for my day...oh yeah, and the fact that Gene Wilder's hair resembles Natalie's in so many ways:)

After dropping off Lindsey & Tyler at school this two little sick jailbirds(they have been home for 7 days straight!) took the car hostage.

There was some serious driving moves going on.....along with some sidekick sounds.

You know, vroom, vroom, vroom.

And then it got ugly quick(this is where the," that's right, that's right, we bad" comes in). They did not want to leave the car. So, if you were anywhere near 22nd street today...the screams you heard were from my house and thankfully, none were coming from me.

Now yesterday.....yesterday there were some squeals of delight coming from me via Good mail. Good mail I ordered and extra good mail goodness just because she is super sweet.

Cristina over at Made By Crissy Mathers made a beautiful gift set of pasta, sauce and spices that I bought. And then, she surprised me with all kinds of yummy stuff. Salt-free blend, raspberry chipolte sauce, sweet and savory rub, sweet cinammon spice, dipping herbs, and mint chocolate soak.....a chocolate soak? I want to take a bath right now! She was nice enough to include some treats for the kids. Conversation hearts and chocolate lips(notice 2 missing out of the box?). Thanks Cristina! The hearts were taken away from immediately by greedy children:)

Oh, and how could I forget these yummy treats she included? She remembered how much I love her gourmet peanut butter candies and she sent me one along with some other sweet & spicy chocolate candies she made. That cup was gone about 2 minutes after I opened the box. Seriously good! Thanks for all the goodies, Cristina. It did a trapped Mom good.....


mysteryhistorymom said...

Oh my goodness! I remember that movie! My parents actually took my sister and I and it was rated R!!!!! They never did things like that, so they must have wanted to see it really badly.:)

Love the way that you capture the moments with your little sweeties, Heather! You inspired me to do so with Katie today. I'll post later...

And oh my goodness, look at all the delicious goodies you got in the mail! You are so loved, my friend! Lori

Jill said...

Those pictures of the kids are funny, especially when thinking of the "we bad" jive talking.

That is some serious good mail!

Cristina Mathers said...

omg so sorry for the delay though, sheesh! glad you liked it and glad that it came at the right time! those pics of natalie and michael are precious!!