Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Valentine's Day this year.

Homemade Valentines were made....

Lindsey's class partied.
Hearts were hugged.The table was set for breakfast..

And blurry breakfast photos were taken.

We also learned

how to eat a pumpkin muffin your Grandma dropped off

while scooting.Go, very

Monday, Michael got to celebrate with his class.....can you see the excitement?
He had a great time going through his "valentimes"........
Other noteworthy Valentine festivities
Tyler had a play on Friday...he was Charlie Brown & had 2 large parts in the play. He did a great job.
Charles made yummy Chicken Parmesan for all of us.
I watched Princess Bride & Wedding Singer....I can't stop myself. If they are on, I WILL watch.


Jill said...

I really should get The Wedding Singer from Netflix because I haven't seen that in a long time.

cvs said...

I love you more than soda too. I look forward to the new bubbly you. (No comments allowed on comments made by a blog challenged husband.)