Tuesday, February 03, 2009

Dial M for


For .....

Michael and his little sister having a Major cold....poor kids.

For ....

Mommy the maid........in the land of runny noses, coughing and sneezing.


Mommy madness. You know what that is....."Mommy, cover me!", "Mommy, carry me!", "Mommy, hold me!", "Mommy, Mommy, Mommy!"


Mountain Dew. A tall glass of sanity for me this week.


Mail!!! I have a ton of mail that I need to get mailed out, but the kid's sickies has kept me from the post office. No, not only bills. Good mail too! Some mail treats will be going out to the only 3 people who answered my Muddy hair question last week too!


Made Pioneer Woman's wings for the Super Bowl.....husband is still raving about them today. I CANNOT wait for her cookbook to come out.


Monsters vs. Aliens......the kids can't wait to see it. Lucky for us we got a preview during the Super Bowl because Tyler had enough 3D glasses. I think this photo is cool....almost like it could be 3D too! Notice the patches on the wall? We finally have our living room ceiling fan on a switch, rather than an ugly swag wire hanging down...yay for projects getting completed!


Michael's missed birthday post!!!

~~~~We all feasted on Hot Wheels(sauce and macaroni wheels....I know, I am a genius!) and round snacks(tires).

~~~~Janice was sweet enough to make his Hot Wheel cake for him.......don't you love it? The girl has skills. Thanks Janice!

~~~~After cake and ice cream(Rocky Route 66, btw), it was present and playing time. He had a great day and is already planning his next one.

Wonder what Tuesday will bring? Hopefull all things terrific, touching, and tantastic(Natalie's fantastic).


mysteryhistorymom said...

Oh, I hope the kids feel better soon. It's no fun for anyone when the "sick bugs" are around.:( Hang in there, Heather! I know you are super busy taking care of your cuties. Maybe you can sneak in a nap, too?

I LOVE Mountain Dew, too! Pepsi and Mountain Dew- sigh... Lori

Jill said...

That's a really cute self-portrait of you!

Have you tried buying postage online? They sell a great postal scale at Costco ($19) so you can weigh things and then get postage online and have your mail carrier take them. It's handy.

Cristina Mathers said...

Heather! Your hair is amazing! it's so long and shiny and gorgeous! I use USPS.com they even come and pick things up. i only give them a b though.

mysteryhistorymom said...

Yes, Heather! You are so pretty! I meant to write that first, but then I got distracted. Story of my life- lol! I'm proud of you for posting more pics of you- you are gorgeous! Lori

Stacy said...

So pretty! Your hair is beeeeautiful!

Sorry everyone's not 100%....good thing they have such a great mom to take care of them!

Serendipity said...

Sending well wishes your way!

M is also for marvelous mom photo! {so cute Heather}
I hope the rest of the week is smooth sailing for you...

Lorie said...

Oh! I think I need to try that wing recipe! And I hope the kids feel better soon!

Mom2fur said...

Happy Birthday, Michael!!!!

And I hope you are all feeling better really soon!

Kim Sue said...

fabulous SP picture! hope the kiddos are feeling better soon!