Sunday, December 30, 2007

Are you sitting down?

Charles & I went on a date last night!!!!! I know, we were in a little shock ourselves! We went to my all-time favorite place, Chic-fil-a first. I just love their chicken sandwich. Charles jokes that I am such a cheap date. Unfortunately, that was alot cheaper than the movies. $18.50 for a movie? See, it has been a long time. I wanted to see Juno and I am Legend. Secretly, I was hoping there was an 8:00 showing for Juno, but nope, not til 9:35. I am Legend was good, not what I expected. Scary, but not gory. Not alot of cussing, if any. And my favorite part of all, Will Smith. I have loved him since I was in high school. We hit the casino after the movie and had a good time, no big winnings, but no large losses either. Thanks Charles for a fun extended birthday! Thanks Mom & Dad for watching the kids. We appreciate it.

Friday, December 28, 2007

Undocumented Holiday Fun!

Throughout the month there has been alot going on, like........... Snoozing all while not letting go of your tree headband.

It hailing outside and all of us secretly hoping that it would snow again.

Making christmas ornaments.
Hugging snowmen every night.
Talking to Santa every night.

Having a cookie-decorating playdate with Lindsey's new friend, Elara.
Making a gingerbread house.
Helping Mommy in the kitchen. Here she helped me make apple cranberry pie, but she also helped with an apple pie and roasted vegetables.

Michael receiving this sock monkey from a 5th grader at his school. The entire 5th grade class made the monkeys, wrote the children a letter from the monkey and drew a picture for them. Such a wonderful surprise.

Teacher gifts were made....mostly of pecan turtles and pumpkin bread. Gotta love those $1 felt bags at Target. I really wish I had bought more.

Lindsey got all bundled up to head to Winterhaven(a light festival here in town) with her new friend, Elara. She had so much fun!

Played many games. Perfection was a hit with them. Michael's quote of the day"hmmm, this might be a tricky one". So cute.
Lots of running from the camera. You have to love the $3 sweater I got last year.

And writing letters to Santa. Tyler was even willing to do it for his siblings. Lindsey was very serious and she filled the front and back.
Having a whole lotta fun!

Pink Christmas.

Look what Jinii sent me for our Pink Christmas exchange! A musical Snoopy that all the kids loved! A bag of Reese's minature cups...eaten by all once the package was opened(Yum!). A beautiful blue necklace and these cool handmade made magnets to showcase the kids artwork. So thoughtful of you, Jinii. Thank you for making my day so special!

Also, a note to my pink christmas partner........I forgot to take a pic of my gift to you. If you can, please send a pic to Kristi. Sorry about that:(

Thursday, December 27, 2007

Happy Birthday to me!

35! I can't even believe I wrote that down....crazy day today, but some fun prizes along the way. Earlier Kristi surprised me with a box crammed full of fun, fun ribbon. Thanks Kristi!
Besides buying me a beautiful set of earrings and a necklace, he made my night sweet with fun cupcakes.
Snickerdoodles, all stacked up for me, were hand-delivered by my good friend, Janice. They are soooo good. She also gave me my favorite shower gels, an itune card, and a subscription to Everyday Food. Thank you, thank you!

More to tell, but I am exhausted! See??? 35 and I can't wait to go to sleep!

Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Merry Christmas was had by all!

Brother and sister anxiously waiting for their brother and sister to wake up, so they could open presents. They slept in til' almost 8!Let the chaos begin!
Our little baby squealing........baybee, baybee~

Jammin out in her jammies.

Opening up their box from Aunt Candi.....Build a bear workshop gift cards for all of us! We can't wait to go make a family day of it.
Their expressions are pretty much how they were all day long.
The highlight of the night....besides being with all of our loved ones was Michael getting a wooden kazoo. He tried to use it for a few minutes and then proclaimed, "it needs batteries!"

Hope all of you had a wonderful holiday. Merry Christmas

Monday, December 24, 2007

All snug in their beds

Merry Christmas from our crazy house to yours!

Sunday, December 23, 2007

Why he is the coolest Dad, EVER!

Santa and Rudolph were flying across our living room while singing "Have a holly, jolly Christmas"! I wish we had videotaped the squeals!

Happiness is............

Singing at the top of my lungs, "Bet on it" and "Fabulous" from HSM2 with Tyler. Am I the only adult who loves those songs?

Friday, December 21, 2007

We do have a tree.

About 2 weeks ago we went to get our tree. Lindsey found the perfect tree.The whole family was happy with it.

Is this cute or what? All the boys making sure the tree is in the stand right and there was enough water. I especially love Michael's arm around Tyler. Adding the lights.

Can you tell we have small children? The tree is decorated at their height and the lights have been moved by the littlest one. It is still beautiful cause they did it.
Love this ornament of Tyler. I can't believe how much he has grown.
Can you say you have a 70's disco Santa? So fun.