Monday, June 05, 2006

It really happened!

Natalie slept through the night............3 nights in a row!!!! Michael did too! We have gotten more sleep than ever before and somehow, we still are dragging. I guess it takes time to catch up on 4 years of no sleeping:)

We now have no dining room wall/window and some more insulation was installed. It really opens up the house. We are getting there!!!

It's only the 2nd week of summer vacation and Tyler is bored out of his mind!!! For the next 4 Wednesdays, he goes to his Autism social group for a hour. At the end of June, Lindsey and Tyler are going to VBS for a week. July 10th-14th, Tyler goes to Live Theatre Workshop, a drama camp from 8 to 5. He then goes back again the first week in August. What is probably the most exciting for him/us is August 10th. You can figure it out. It involves sand and water. Gotta keep it a surprise.

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