Saturday, April 01, 2006

Perks to having a child with Asperger Syndrome.

1. He will always let you know the speed limit while your driving, as well as, to keep both hands on the wheel!
2. He knows the opening and closing times of virtually every store in town.
3. When a calendar isn't available, just ask him what day June 23rd falls on...he will tell you.
4. He can always find the remote control. ( don't know if that is just a man thing or truly one of his quirks.)
5. He will remind you every day what time to pick him up after school, because of the ONE time you were really, really late.
6. The best perk of all, is his wonderful heart. He is the most caring boy, although it is not always apparent.

Maybe, I should change the title to the perks of having a terrific kid like Tyler! We love you!

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