Friday, October 14, 2011

Our love for SNL.

Tyler and I love comedy them. I love that we share that. On our NYC vacation last year, I don't know who was more excited with the NBC Studio Tour, Tyler or me.
We were heading into the actual building where SNL is filmed every Saturday night. Sort of surreal for us.
Waiting in line, he didn't know what to do. He kept flashing his backstage pass.

His smile the entire tour was contagious.

We picked up a couple of took him a looooong time to decide what to buy.
Cause, you know, we could all use more cowbell.


mysteryhistorymom said...

I LOVE this post! Tyler looks so happy! And who can blame him? What an experience!!! Lori

Jill said...

Goodness, it has been so long since you posted that when I saw "Heather" on my sidebar I actually thought Who's Heather?.

Apparently I'm getting old.

Anonymous said...

Great post! You are so right his smile was/is contagious!! It was great that you two got to do this together. Love you both.

Lindsay-ann said...

The tour must have been so much fun for you all espeically Tyler. Loved seeing your great pics Heather.