Sunday, May 23, 2010


She has a sweet, sweet husband who my children immediately loved!
She has an amazing daughter who was willing to try anything new and has the bluest eyes I have ever seen.
She has another equally amazing daughter who clicked with Lindsey right away. Don't you love Natalie's photo of her? Such a cutie.
She was game for anything, even hanging out in a candy store for an hour. Worked the photo booth like a pro;)

Lori, a dear friend that I met Bloggyland. I can't believe that we got a chance to meet.

More to come........

Wednesday, May 05, 2010

I had an important date. Found in my draft folder.

Yesterday, I was invited to a tea party. A tea party picnic.

A sweet someone set our place setting...complete with a flower plate, a ladybug and a caterpillar....and the darling teapot placecard that said, Lady Heather and Lady Natalie.

The teachers made everyone feel special
with all the tea party accessories.

Including the sweet sign that told us, "You are a beautiful Mom" Always nice to hear.
I was read to. Brown bear, brown bear is one of her favorites.

She even tried to share her ladybug cookie.

She even treated me to a game of peek-a-boo with the cute Mother's Day card that she made for me.

On our way out

She showed off her dancing skills!
Doesn't that last photo remind you of Shirley Temple, or what?

I love this little girl.