Thursday, April 30, 2009

Oh, to be this happy.......

Maybe I need to pick up my own pair of pink glasses.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

You can't....







Monday, April 27, 2009

Easter excerpts

Waiting to collect some eggs...Am I the only one in L-o-v-e with that dress? I bought it last fall from Mini-Boden. Their stuff is great.

And they are off. It was so very cold that Saturday, the kids weren't in the most festive of clothing.

Because they had the 3 and under on the other side of the park, I stayed with Lindsey & Michael. You know that killed me(I wanted to watch them all). She did pretty well. She was so cold we left right away.

Michael and his cheese face.....

My happy girl.All smiles over his easter treats that our friends, the Freeman's, gave us.
Brothers waiting for Easter dinner. Can you believe I got them together? It was a proud moment for me, that's for sure.
After we had a most enjoyable meal at my Mom & Dad's. We went for a ride. I noticed a hill by an office building & the kids got their roll on. I know.....I know...I will win Mother of the Year for that one. I LET them roll on the ground in their nice clothes!
And for that, she smiled all toothy for me. The 2 front teeth are about to fall out. Can't wait to get those photos:)
Natalie did not reward me for my superb mothering skills. She used her signature pose.

Can you tell he was happy? I love these kids.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

What I always wished for....

a sister. To hold hands with while you go over big dips on your own "rollercoaster" road. My heart swells every time I see these. I love my girls.

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Oh happy day!

6 latte bowls from Anthropologie for $, I ordered 12 and they made me smile. The end.

Friday, April 17, 2009

My newest invention....

Michael isn't the best when it comes to taking time-outs....

He tries to charm his way out of it

or just laugh, so it doesn't seem to bother him.

And then I got this brilliant idea.....brilliant I tell you!
Use our dirty dining room chairs for time-out. Looks like a mommy-made jail to me! Unfortunately, in typical boy fashion, he thought that was the "funnest" idea yet & now wants to play cops & robbers all the time with them. Figures...all my best plans thwarted by my kid's imagination!
***only works with extremely dirty chairs that I can't believe I am posting for all 6 of you to see!

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

A lovely Easter

We had a fun weekend, hope you did too! I can't wait to tell/show you(all 6 of my readers) about it! Til then, here they are at the end of the day.

Thursday, April 09, 2009


in the midst of too much sickness.

Thursday, April 02, 2009

In lieu of....

photos of sick babies....I give you this cuteness

I think I want to frame it. I love it that much.