Monday, May 26, 2008

No longer a kindergartener.

Look at this beautiful FIRST GRADER! We are so very proud of her. Natalie, Michael and I went to her "ceremony". Here, they are not allowed to make a big deal about graduating from kinder. How could you not? Anyhow, I was pretty anxious about having to deal with them and watch Lindsey. Lucky for Lindsey and really lucky for me, my Mom showed up. I was happy that she was able to be there to celebrate with us and she was a big help, thanks Mom!

Here she is accepting her certificate.....I didn't get the best pics with Natalie hanging/clinging to me.
This warmed my heart. Her little friend congratulated her as she sat down. Is that thoughtful or what?

Lindsey with "her" Mrs. Parks. She is a wonderful teacher and an amazing woman. She was Tyler's teacher and it was such a blessing to have her be Lindsey's.

A little video of the class....Lindsey is in the back row...2nd to the left.

1 comment:

Mom2fur said...

Oh, why can't they make a big deal of it? Graduating from kindergarten is like taking that last step out of babyhood! Congratulations to Lindsey!