February 2nd-Carly & Camden turned 7..........hope your birthday was lots of fun!
February 4th-Aunt Pat & Uncle Rich celebrated their anniversary.....Happy Anniversary!
February 17th-Kristal turned 29 yet again.......Happy Birthday, dear friend!
February 19th-Jimmy had another birthday...he is such a kid at heart, he never ages.
February 21st-Lauren gave birth to a healthy 9lb baby boy, named Hayden. Congratulations!!!
I do honestly mean to post these important events, but it just seems to slip my mind. You are all special to me! Hope your significant day was too!
Thursday, February 22, 2007
Friday, February 16, 2007
We are on our way!
We are finally starting to recover. Tyler and I managed to get the 24/48 hour flu, fun huh? So, Valentine's Day didn't turn out exactly as I had planned, but it was still full of love. That is all that really matters anyway.
I wanted to get a good picture of what my Mom gave me. As you can see, I didn't do such a great job. It really is sweet. Lindsey keeps saying that it is us. Thanks Mom for such a thoughtful gift!
Love it!
I received a catalog in the mail quite a few weeks ago and fell in love with almost everything in it. Unfortunately, my tastes are richer than I am! I mean can you honestly say that you don't LOVe this?
Or this?
Or this?
Or, oh my goodness, this?

They also had some fun accessories that were not too expensive......check it out here. Did I mention their cool name too? Chasing-Fireflies! Have fun browsing!
Edited to add*** Too weird!!! As soon as I posted this, the mailman arrived with a new catalog from them! Strange, but loved looking through it all over again!
Wednesday, February 14, 2007
Happy Valentine's Day!!
Love is....
Lindsey running barefoot in the park when she was 1.
Michael with his adorable smile and long hair that I couldn't bear to cut.
Our little munchkin squealing at the camera.
Tyler sitting with us at our table and finishing off the best man's toast!
This gorgeous man standing by me through everything and anything!
I love you all!

I love you all!
Monday, February 12, 2007
I have to get it....it's so cool.

There are many different styles and even an opportunity to make a custom design!
Check it out here.
They moved me.
Read these posts.......I love her writing style.
Beautiful, right?
Beautiful, right?
Friday, February 09, 2007
We are loved!
Thursday, February 08, 2007
Happy, happy, joy, joy........good mail came on Thursday from my good friend, Stacy. She gave me the softest socks ever, magic noodles for the kids, and 3 new products from her "Momprenuer" business, I Believe Designs . 2 super cool reversible headbands, and a deluxe dipe-n-wipe stroller bag that matches my diaper bag. Thanks so much for thinking of me/us. Be on the lookout for your birthday present......sorry it's late!
Wednesday, February 07, 2007
Is it really February?
Yay for good mail even if.....
I paid for it!!!
I love Doodlebugs !!! I am totally addicted.....hope my husband isn't reading this part;)
Not only do I love her colorful stationery, I love how she packages it. Full of pink "stuffing" and lovely ribbons wrapped around the labels. Check her out.....you are sure to get hooked!
Tuesday, February 06, 2007
Happy Birthday, my friend!
Sunday, February 04, 2007
Don't judge a book by it's torn cover!
Michael has a bad habit. For the last few months he has been ripping pages out of his books. I know this is just a phase, but I love books and I hate when they get ruined! About 1 1/2 weeks ago, I finally bought Snow Flower and the Secret Fan(I told you, I am way behind!). I was so excited when it came because, it arrived the same day I received this cute bookmark from Stacy

at I Believe Designs So sweet of her! I immediately placed it in my new book and placed it on the sofa table. The next morning, I come out to the living room to find the body of my book laying there with no cover and no bookmark. Naturally, I was very upset with Michael. Upset over the brand, spanking-new book , but mostly upset over the bookmark. Luckily, they were all found nearby. Michael got a stern talking to and it was over with. Fast forward to tonight! Lindsey comes into the kitchen with my little 30 minute digital camcorder she is not supposed to be touching. I looked to see if my videos were deleted and found that Lindsey had videotaped Michael creeping around in my camera bag. Busted right? It gets better. There are 44 videos on the camcorder. 4 of them were mine. 39 of them were of Michael videotaping the day my book got torn up. He videotaped what LINDSEY had done. He was talking in about 20 of them, saying "Lindsey....no, no" sort of like "Ooooh, you are in trouble!"
I learned a couple of lessons, after laughing about the pure genius of my little 3 year old.
1. I need to find a safer spot for my digital camcorder and books!
2. That Michael is a smart cookie.
3. That Lindsey is even smarter for letting him take the fall for it.
Natalie news.
Over the past week she has done so many new things........................
*Drooling like crazy and chewing on anything she can put in her mouth. Yay! She might get a tooth before her 1st birthday!!!
*At Michael's birthday party, she waved and said "Bye, bye". Sooo stinkin' cute!
*A couple of days ago, she waved and said "Hi". Also, stinkin' cute!
* Gives you what she has and when you say thank you....nods her head yes, as if to say, you're welcome.
* Is almost crawling. She gets up on her hands and knees, but always ends up going backwards. She does get to where she needs to though, without crawling.
*Pulls herself up onto her knees and is pretty pleased with herself.
*She empties any bucket, bowl, cup or plate as quick as she possibly can. I have never seen one of my kids do it as fast as she does. Too funny.
*At Michael's birthday party, she waved and said "Bye, bye". Sooo stinkin' cute!
*A couple of days ago, she waved and said "Hi". Also, stinkin' cute!
* Gives you what she has and when you say thank you....nods her head yes, as if to say, you're welcome.
* Is almost crawling. She gets up on her hands and knees, but always ends up going backwards. She does get to where she needs to though, without crawling.
*Pulls herself up onto her knees and is pretty pleased with herself.
*She empties any bucket, bowl, cup or plate as quick as she possibly can. I have never seen one of my kids do it as fast as she does. Too funny.
And took her 1st bath in the kitchen sink. She thought she was hot stuff up there above everyone else!
What are you going to do this week?
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